Somatic Self Therapy

A Somatic practice for those seeking something different. 

Transformation of SELF

From blocked to FREE

From split to INTEGRATED

From scarcity to ABUNDANCE

From separation to CONNECTION

From hopelessness to POSSIBILITY

Trauma is often stored in our bodies, from the muscles down to the cellular level, causing us to become stuck in contracted states of being. The limitations of our contractions, both psychologically and on the level of our nervous systems, lead to disconnection from the fullness of our feelings, pleasure, and sense of meaning in life.

Somatic-Psychotherapy works with the connection between mind and body, using this awareness to address the blocks and defensive patterns embedded in our physical selves. To move beyond limiting beliefs, it's crucial to work through these blocks on the level of the body. Our sense of who we are is deeply intertwined with how we experience our bodies, often more so than our mental self-perceptions.

In my practice, I address both the body and the mind to help you process through what’s holding you back in life, supporting the growth and healing that naturally wants to arise through your entire being. This work is spiritual, psychological, as well as physical. I am dedicated to seeing and supporting you as a whole person in your journey toward healing and self-growth.

A movement from contraction to expansion

The “Somatic Self” is your inner experience of what it feels like to be you—living inside your body, with your thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, beliefs, muscle tensions, and current nervous system activity.

It is your inner map of reality, shaping your relationship with all aspects of life.

This “self” is accessible only to you, through the process of slowing down and connecting with it.

The Somatic Self, and your connection to it, contains everything you need to heal yourself.

By slowing down and bringing mindfulness, you can uncover this map of reality you’re living by. Through this awareness coupled with a willingness to feel, take risks and make new choices, you can begin to make meaningful shifts in your experience of being alive.

What is the “Somatic Self”?


receive insights into the somatic field